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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions regarding our products and services, please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that are organized above and below.
If you cannot find the information you need, please email your general questions to or fill our contact us form.
For any order specific questions, please email to with your order number in the subject line.

BlueSqBioconjugation General Questions
BlueSqOrder Related Questions
BlueSqADC & ODC Related Questions
BlueSqPerKit™ Related Questions
BlueSqAqT® Related Questions
BlueSqProduct Specific Questions

arrowsmProduct Number CM0xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM1xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM2xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM3xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM4xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM5xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM6xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM7xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM8xxxx
arrowsmProduct Number CM9xxxx

BlueSqService Specific Questions

arrowsmGeneral Service Questions
arrowsmHPLC Analysis Related Questions
arrowsmRoutine Synthesis Related Questions